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5 Useful Strategies to Upgrade Your Identity as a Brand

Do you think it’s time to upgrade your branding strategy? If you do, then keep reading as I am going to enlighten you about some new branding techniques that work.

Branding is everything

Replace the question “What is a brand” with “What’s not a brand.” Branding is ubiquitous. A brand can be anything and everything. Brand identity cannot be reduced to any particular aspect.

5 Free and Paid Marketing Tools that SMBs Can Use

Online marketing has become highly automated these days.  We’re no longer  having to manually manage each social network and campaign individually. There are tools now available that aggregate our favorite platforms and enable us to control our efforts from a single dashboard.

To try and take care of it manually is simply too aggravating not to mention a waste of time and money.

Why Understanding Millennial Customers is Crucial for Brands

Millennials make up a large percentage of shoppers. The more insights a brand gathers about millennials and about their purchasing habit, the better it leverages them.

In this article, we’ll have a look at stats related to millennials and deduce actionable insights from them. This article will be of help for both B2C and B2B brands.

Key Tips to Leverage Instagram for Brand Benefit

Visual marketing is now an important part of SEO. Google values links that come from visual content. Even text-based content these days is becoming more dense with graphics. It’s because of this transition that brands are now leveraging social networks where visuals and graphics are shared with almost an unconscious click of a mouse.

Instagram is one such network.

5 Tips Every Brand Should Follow to Re-engage with Their Customers

Experts believe re-engaging with existing customers is better than finding new customers. Research suggests the former is more profitable than the latter in terms of sales.

Getting success in re-engagement depends on a couple of factors - The brand experience, customer feedback, retention rate are some of them besides removing lead gen bottlenecks, nurturing qualified leads and keeping them warm.

In this article, I’ll give you tips on customer re-engagement.



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